P3218104©Diane Dalli

Park life

In the 11th of a series of articles featuring the images of local photographers who document the wildlife of Wanstead Park and the surrounding area, Diane Dalli presents her shot of a Skylark on Wanstead Flats


Time for flexitime

Jo Cullen from local solicitors Edwards Duthie Shamash takes a look at the improvements to employee rights following last month’s changes to the flexible working request regime

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 16.19.51PPG Chair Terilla Barnard speaking at the Health Scrutiny Committee meeting

Medical Emergency

In the third of a series of articles charting the challenges facing Aldersbrook Medical Centre, Paul Wildish from the patient participation group explains some of the small campaign victories achieved so far



It’s been 21 years since Marian Temple first put a garden fork into what she calls an SPPS (Sad Patch of Public Soil). Out of that small action grew the dedicated Wanstead Community Gardeners, who invite you to celebrate with them this month

healeyHealey Willan

Notes of history

Parish organists of the past will be celebrated this month as the May Music Festival returns to St Mary’s Church. Plus, there’ll be a variety of performers, all with a local connection, says festival director Alison Wells


History of Notes

Ahead of a Living Landscapes concert in Aldersbrook this month, The Woodford Singers’ musical director Kath Savage offers some insight into her own musical journey

!cid_620A80F4-23E3-429F-860D-85D8766D7B40Guitarist Adam Brown

Listen and learn

In the 39th of a series of articles, David Bird from the Redbridge Music Society introduces guitarist Adam Brown, who will be returning to Wanstead to perform this month